My the »[[BEST]]« Father...EVER!
My Dad > Your Dad
Yes, I know...I Look EXACTLY like him LOL
◊We are always traveling, talking, laughing and having fun :)
◊I ♥ Him.◊
lol look what he told me today while we were watching tv...
“You know when you get older and go marry some woman...I'm gonna be a lonely guy, you know that right?” He is SO cute!!! AND he Respects my Homosexuality!
He's a nag and a pain sometimes but i love him.
⊕FYI: I WOULD NEVER LEAVE HIM for a girl...even my wife.
He is MY $uperhero!⊕
↓Look At Us!↓

We Made Strawberry-Banana Smoothies!It takes a lot to be a good father and I'm grateful to have him in my life. Happy Fathers Day Daddy♥